

Berkshire Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 

VOTE Adam Gillman an ANTI-WAR ANTI-CUTS Socialist standing as TUSC for the General Election for Reading Central

After the last 14 years we have seen austerity, war and poverty under this rotten Tory government.

We have seen the horrific response to COVID that the Tories delivered, from giving out dodgy PPE contacts, to underfunding and privatizing the NHS causing thousands to die in addition to this the tories partied throughout it all.

We have seen the impact of austerity first hand with infrastructure crumbling, bus routes cut, NHS resources stretched, youth services closed and so much more. The implementation of austerity measures has seen many lives made harder or even lost, for example cutting services to the NHS meant more people died of covid.

There's also the horrific events of war happening not only in Ukraine and Gaza but also in Sudan, Yemen, Myanmar and all over the world. Where innocent people are bombed so that some governments can expand their borders a few meters.

In Gaza after the horrific attacks on October 7th, we've seen the horrendous war crimes committed by the Israeli state against the people of Gaza, and the west's horrific response backing the Israeli states war crimes to the hilt. Over 32,000 people at least have died in Gaza including at least 13,000 children and more than 74,000 people injured. People are starving, thirsty, homeless, whilst also having to fear the bombs dropping over them.

Whats Starmers Labour response to the war crimes in Gaza? Starmer has come out and said its okay “to cut food, water and electricity off the people of Gaza” This is meant to be the leader of the Labour Party a party that was once the party of the working class, Now its the party of big business, austerity, war and capitalism. Taking ages to come out in favour of a “ceasefire” even then Labour version of a “ceasefire” was only called by labour due to the pressure of the anti war movement where hundreds of thousands were on the streets in London and millions globally against israeli state terror.

Matt Rodda the MP for Reading East and the Labour candidate for Reading Central abstained on a vote for a ceasefire in Gaza and doesn't support sanctions against Israel. Matt Rodda also doesn't support the nationalisation of the energy companies even after they recorded record profits when working class people are finding it hard to pay their energy bills as the prices are too high.

This is why I'm standing in Reading Central as an anti war anti cuts socialist candidate in the general election. Im an active trade unionist who has been active in the anti war, trade union and socialist  movements in Reading I have organised demonstrations against the minimum service levels legislation.

TUSC will be campaigning against the devastating cuts and privatization to public services that was enabled by central government stealing millions of £ off councils.  If elected I would immediately demand this money was returned to councils so services are fully funded and no one goes cold, hungry or homeless.

In addition to this we think that the effects of the housing crisis with lots of working class people getting wrongfully evicted whilst paying extremely high rents, if elected we would implement rent controls, and have an immediate building of council houses.

There's also the issue of the war in Gaza where the Israeli state has brutally murdered thousands we support an immediate end to the war  but we recognise that there is no capitlalist solution to any conflict and that we need the socialist transformation of society. That's why we need working class socialist mass workers parties formed by the Tarde unions that are democratic and let all socialists in that fights against war and poverty.

I have also helped organise lobbies of Reading Borough council when they have proposed cuts budgets.

This is why we are standing to be an anti war anti cuts socialist alternative to the main parties.

Vote TUSC against cuts in July 4th

If you are interested in helping with campaigning you can contact Adam: 07403057140

Promoted by Callum Joyce, 18 Boxhill Walk, Abingdon OX14 1HB on behalf of Adam Gillman, 4 Yeosfield, Riseley RG7 1SG

2024 Local Elections for Reading Borough Council TUSC Results - Reading Total TUSC votes - 296 votes - Total votes for Reading and Wokingham - 448

Melanie Dent  Redlands Ward - 42 votes

Saffi Hussam

Whitley Ward - 36 votes

Chloe Soakes

Caversham Ward - 61 votes

Sadiqua Khan

Coley Ward - 96 votes

Sam Church

Katesgrove Ward - 25 votes

Jen Bottom 

Norcot Ward - 36 votes

John Gillman

Winnersh Ward - 83 votes

Sara Gillman

Norreys Ward - 69 votes